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[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]

MML1 Reaverbots - Gai-nee Tooren

Gai-nee Tooren
Hit Points: 768
Gai-nee Tooren is the large "boss" reaverbot which rules the Uptown Sub-City. It is unknown whether more exist or if the one found on Kattelox is the one and only.

Showing no direct form of attack, Gai-nee Tooren will walk slowly around its set pathways. Protected completely with impenetrable armor, this giant reaverbot has only one weakness.

Around Gai-nee Tooren's realm are a number of Red Horokko and Sharukurusu. If one of these is destroyed, Gai-nee Tooren will open a hatch on its backside and release a new one. This is the only chance to hit it, while its inside compartment is exposed. Attacks must be made quickly or the newly released reaverbot will strike and the hatch will close. These compartments seem to hold an unlimited amount of reaverbots.

Gai-nee Tooren has three sections, and will abandon the back two in the event that they sustain excessive damage. When the third section is also destroyed, this huge reaverbot will be defeated.