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[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]

MML3 Promotional Ideas Event

Mega Man Legends 3's sixth Devroom event ran from 2011/03/07 to 2011/03/22, seeking promotional ideas for spreading the word about the Devroom and attracting new members.
All ideas had to be implementable through use of the internet alone. The following examples were given:

A Mega Man fan once made an entire network of Twitter accounts for Mega Man characters, and used them to reenact the entire plot of Mega Man 3.
Having Devroomers Tweet about the Devroom to be entered in a raffle.
Having Devroomers create promotional banners.

Included in the guidelines was a disclaimer, "In the event that there isn't a single feasible idea, we reserve the right to not make a selection."

No winners were ever chosen.